Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Witness without words

Just a thought.

Preaching the gospel is great. We should all be actively spreading holy Truth, always in a spirit of love. But what I've been seeing a lot of this past year is non-believers who've heard a little too much of the gospel. A lot of people are tired of hearing it. The problem is, while the Church often has its mouth open, in rarely looks much different from everybody else. There are a lot of good people who have no faith in Jesus Christ. A lot of people are willing to help the poor and volunteer with kids and do many great and admirable things, but have no love for Christ. The world needs to actually see that Jesus Christ has more to offer than what they have now. They need to see radical, self sacrificing love. They need to see a fully functioning Body of Christ. They need to see a total disregard for self. People need and want to see not just good people, but holy, spirit filled radicals. People need to see some miracles.

Before we start witnessing to the love of God, we need to exhibit it. Perhaps then the unbelieving world will see the reason for our hope and surrender themselves to His wonderful redeeming, fully saving grace that we so fully enjoy. Praise be to our God and King!