Monday, July 10, 2006

The Good Goth

I was just preparing for VBS which starts tonight. The Bible story I will be teaching is the story of the Good Samaritan. As I was cutting out the paper Samaritan and Levite, I began to think that perhaps the parable has lost a little of its shock value. So I decided to re-write the parable using more modern symbolic people groups.

A man was walking through a park on the way to church one Sunday morning when a couple of thugs jumped out of the bushes, beat him up, stabbed him a couple of times, took all his valuables, including his nice slacks and shoes, and left him half naked and bleeding on the path.

A couple of minutes later, a pastor walked by, on the way to the same church. He saw the man bleeding on the side of the path. He thought about helping him out, but then he realized the man was probably some addict or maybe a drunk who had gotten into a fight. He got what was coming to him. The pastor stepped aside and looked away as he passed by.

Soon the worship leader came by on his bike. He saw the man and stopped, wondering what he could possibly do for him. He thought he might have recognized him, when suddenly his cell started buzzing. He said a quick prayer before answering his phone and rode his bike away. "Probably just some homeless guy..."

A little while later, a young looking guy walked down the path. He was wearing all black and couple of chains. He had some piercings around his face and a few tattoos. He saw the man laying on the ground, now covered in his own blood, but still breathing. He recognized the man from the church. He'd gone there once before, although the visit didn't last very long. "Was he the one that kicked me out..." his thought trailed off.
He took out his cell, dialing 911. He did his best to stop the bleeding, from what he could remember of his first aid training. The ambulance came to pick the man up 10 minutes later. The next day the same goth kid went in to see how he was doing. He found out the man had just been fired from his job and couldn't afford to pay his bills, although he was grateful for the help. Before the kid left, he stopped at one of the counters and paid off the man's bills.

So what do you think of my rendition? Does it match up? Is it slightly offensive? It ought to be, as Christ's was. May we all gain a greater understanding of what Christ meant in His parables and teachings, and may we have a good revelation of His truth applied to our lives right now. Amen.


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