Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The Full Functioning Body of Christ

This came to me the other day:

There are three chapters where we find lists of spiritual gifts in the New Testament:

Romans 12
1 Corinthians 12
Ephesians 4

All three of these passages are written in the context of unity in the Body of Christ. Paul is making the analogy of a human body to explain to people that everyone has a role to play in the church. Just like our physical bodies, if one part is missing, the body doesn't work properly.

I found it interesting that when Paul talks about working together in unity, he lists spiritual gifts. It seems he's saying that we need to use our spiritual gifts within the Body of Christ for it to work properly.

First Corinthians 12 explains it clearly. The chapter begins with Paul explaining that the Holy Spirit is the source of all the different gifts. He goes on to explain that each of us has a gift to help the Church. Next is a list of gifts the Holy Spirit gives to individuals. He complements this truth with the analogy of the human body, that all the parts are important and necessary for it to work.

Do you know what your gifts are? Paul tells the Corinthians that he doesn't want them to be ignorant of the gifts. That means he wants them to know what they are, how they work, and he wants them to know what gifts they personally have and where they personally fit into the Body.

Paul makes the point that we need all the parts of the body to function. We can't just have eyes or just heads. We need feet and hands and ears as well. We also need all the gifts God desires to give us. We can't just have teachers, apostles, and administrators. We also need prophets, healers, and pastors!

So here's the deal- Do you have a well functioning body? In your Corps/church, do you have teachers, prophets, healers, intercessors, apostles, tongues, interpreters of tongues, administrators, gifts of mercy, encouragers, workers of miracles? Without at least some of the gifts, you're probably a part of a disfunctional body, according to Paul. But the more well working parts you have, the stronger the body!

Do you know what gifts you have? Do you use your gifts? If you're not using your gift, you're not helping the body. You might be like a numb limb that won't work. Now there is no condemnation in Christ. Don't feel bad or guilty. Just seek out your gift. Pray to our God and ask Him to show you your spiritual gifts and where you fit in the Body of Christ. When He shows you who you are, walk that out! Pray, listen, do! Then you will be a well working part that works with the rest of the Body to do Christ's work in the world!

One more thing- be proud of who you are! God made you the way you are for a purpose! Don't be ashamed of your gifts! The Body needs the eyes as much as it needs the feet. We need toes just as much as we need the lungs! Be glad for who you are! You are important!

I know I'm saying stuff some won't agree with. But I'm taking it all out of three like passages of scripture. I'm working within the analogies Paul used to describe how the Church works together and how spiritual gifts fit in. So it isn't my own stuff, and it certainly isn't unorthodox. If you think my theology is off, please show me my errors so that I might walk in light and truth. I'm still young and growing in Truth. Lets work together for victory!

All praise and thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!


Anonymous Anonymous said...



12:39 PM  
Blogger Jerrica said...

u haven't blogged since the 23rd start blogging again mister lol jk well ill ttyl byebye loves bye

6:56 PM  

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