Saturday, June 03, 2006

Talk on SA Uniform

I just posted this on my Xanga ( and I thought I'd put it here too. I want people to respond. So please do! And if you know anyone who would be interested in the topic, invite them too! I want a lot of sincere opinions. Thanks!

If you've ever looked at my little xanga picture, you can see I am a young uniformed Salvationist. According to the 24 Hours newspaper in Vancouver, I actually make the uniform look cool. I even occasionally wear my cap when I'm walking around when I'm out on my War College Open Air meetings. But to be honest, I'm beginning to have my doubts...
What I mean is, why do we have a uniform? The spirit of our fathers was to avoid traditionalism and legalism by evaluating everything done to see it's use in Salvation. As I understand it, if it wasn't any good, they'd change it, replace it, or throw it out all together.
So in keeping with this tradition, lets evaluate the uniform. How is it helping us win the world for Jesus? How is it possibly hindering?
Let me begin with my biggest beef-
I think right now in the Western Army (as I have experienced it) the uniform is working as a conduit of legalism and division. How many soldiers have been harassed about the way they are wearing their uniform? I know I've been stressed out a number of times for forgetting my tie. There's often little to no grace or mercy for these things. If I show up to the morning meeting and I don't have my tie on, I'll be laughed at or scolded. Or how often are women scolded for their hair touching their collar? (I kind of worry about my long hair too...)This leads to little arguments and some offense and eventually hard feelings and judgments. None of this is useful to the Kingdom and certainly isn't getting anyone saved.
I also think we've kind of lost the original meaning of the thing. How many soldiers even know why they wear the thing? Sometimes I don't really understand...
That's kind of the tip of the ice berg. I want to discuss this with people. I want to make a solid decision, whether or not uniform is still a good thing. So post your opinions. Lets work out the truth, in a spirit of love and grace of course!


Blogger stephanie said...

i am oen of those soldiers who only wears a uniform when i absolutely have to. my uniform just is a distraction to ME. when i am in uniform during a meeting, i have no idea what's going on because i'm busy being uncomfortable and thinking about getting out of my uniform. nothing frustrates me more than when people get on my case about not wearing the uniform. no matter how many times i explain myself, my reasons aren't good enough.

i could say a lot more. the topic of uniforms frustrates me because ive chosen not to wear mine and always end up feeling like a bad person for it.


9:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I LOVE wearing my uniform (so does Private Champ)! I'm proud of what it represents, and it gets people's attention! They recognise it.
Just the other day i was wearing my uniform and someone approached me asking me help. Private Champ also testifies to it's visibilty and approahability.
In addition to this, a soldier wearing uniform is at that moment accountable for everything she does. This can be an excellent consideration of someone is looking to sin.

I'll leave you with this: SASB 778
I'll be true! I'll be true!
True to my colours, the yellow, red and blue;
I'll be true! I'll be true!
True to my Saviour in the Army.

1:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who's Private Champ?

4:33 AM  
Blogger Matthew said...

I'm Private Champ!
-Private Champ

7:32 PM  
Blogger Daejeon James said...

Uniform is...hmmmm...sometimes approachable...sometimes a detterant. If we want to be a effective force in changing the world you have to be somewhat understanding of the culture you live in. People these days don't wear uniforms walking down the street. Maybe not a good refletion of the culture we are trying to reach?

6:36 AM  

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